Seller: You are buying from the Homeschool Buyers Club, which has assumed responsibility for purchasing and fulfilling this product on your behalf in order to get you the best possible price.
Payment: The Club will charge you for the combined purchase price and any other fees associated with your purchase when you place your order.
Returns: In order to bring you these great prices, we cannot accept returns or cancellations. Please be sure to review all the available material Before you make your purchase.
Sales Tax: Not applicable.
Other Terms & Conditions: System Requirements: CodeCombat runs best on computers with at least 4GB of RAM, on a modern browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge. Chromebooks with 2GB of RAM may have minor graphics issues in later courses. A minimum of 200 Kbps bandwidth per student is required, although 1+ Mbps is recommended. It is also possible to play Ozaria on a newer iPad or tablet when using a physical keyboard.
Shipping: Not applicable. This is an online subscription.
Privacy Policy: Your order and this offer are subject to our Privacy Policy. However, by placing this order, you agree that the Club will share your order information with Homeschool Buyers Club so that your purchase can be completed and fulfilled. Thereafter, you may receive email communications directly from Homeschool Buyers Club as a result of placing this order. HOWEVER, in that event, you will, by law, be able to opt-out of any further commercial email communications.