Homeschool Contests & Scholarships

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Welcome to the Internet's most comprehensive database of educational contests and scholarships for homeschooled kids! If you have comments, suggestions, or know of other contests, please contact us

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Contest / Scholarship  From
Albright College (Pennsylvania): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 12 $500.00 $3,000.00 Ongoing
Alfred State College (New York): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 12     Ongoing
American Foundation for Aging Research: Cecille Gould Undergraduate Award
Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for the Cecille Gould which is intended for basic cancer research only, particularly neurological res...
College College   $1,000.00 Ongoing
American Legion Contests
There are over a hundred awards from numerous contests available from the American Legion --- local awards and national contests. There are Oratorical...
12 College $1,000.00 $10,000.00 Ongoing
American Legion: Eagle Scout of the Year
Deadlines vary for scholarships through the American Legion, depending on your state. This is the National Scholarship. Call the American Legion for m...
9 12 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 Ongoing
Arcadia University (Pennsylvania): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 12 $2,500.00 $9,000.00 Ongoing
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation: Candidate Scholarship
The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation was created to ensure that the United States would maintain its leadership in science and technology in the futur...
College College   $10,000.00 Ongoing
Black News Scholarships
This is a website with dozens of scholarships that many students can qualify for.
Deadlines vary per each of the contests listed....
11 College     Ongoing
Bucknell University: Charles E. Howell Memorial Scholarship
The Charles E. Howell Memorial Scholarship was established by Bucknell students under the auspices of the Bucknell Student Government, and by the frie...
12 College     Ongoing
Central Christian College (Kansas)
12 College $500.00 $4,250.00 Ongoing
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan: The Renaissance of Values Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Application Deadline Varies: Check With School

Each year, a call for nominations is made to two area schools, Cornerstone Schools and E...
12 12   $500.00 Ongoing
D'Youville College (New York): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 12 $400.00 $4,000.00 Ongoing
DaimlerChrysler Global Enrichment Scholarship
This scholarship is for high school age students living in the Greater Detroit area.
Help fuel a legacy...
When you live and study abroad as a Daiml...
9 12     Ongoing
DAR: Scholarships
For various DAR scholarships, different requirements exist; see information on linked website. There is a total of $150,000 is annual scholarships. Mo...
12 College $500.00 $5,000.00 Ongoing
Do Something Action Grants - $500 each
These grants are ongoing and given out at the rate of approximately one per week. Some have payouts; some don't.

Currently, the following are showi...
1 College   $500.00 Ongoing
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars is a national network of grassroots community-based scholarship foundations in neighborhoods throughout the US. Last year, Dollar...
12 12   $1,000.00 Ongoing
Earlham College (Indiana)
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 College $3,000.00 $5,000.00 Ongoing
Endowments and Prizes Section of the Canada Council for the Arts
PROGRAM: The Endowments and Prizes Section of the Canada Council for the Arts administers over 70 annual prizes, fellowships and awards to Canadian ar...
9 College     Ongoing
Environmental Education for Kids (EEK!): Artwork and Stories
Do you like to draw, write, or spend time outdoors? EEK! is looking for your help. EEK! is on the lookout for kid's artwork - pictures of nature and o...
1 12     Ongoing
Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association: Scholarship Program
College College   $500.00 Ongoing
Golden Key: Scholarship Awards
Golden Key is an International Honor Society for college students. There are many scholarships available to members of Golden Key.

Postmark Deadlin...
12 College     Ongoing
IEEE: Scholarships and Awards
There are hundreds of scholarships for college students majoring in certain fields including course work in engineering, computer science and informat...
College College $400.00 $24,000.00 Ongoing
Michigan Speech Coaches: Scholarships and Grants
MSCI is dedicated to promoting individual education at every step along a Speech educator's path.

We offer grants to current Michigan high school ...
9 College     Ongoing
National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National Smart Grant)
The National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant) is a need-based grant available to those who have also qualifi...
College College   $4,000.00 Ongoing
NCAA: Athletic Scholarships
Thousands of athletic scholarships are awarded through individual schools. See link for more information including eligibility requirements. Dates var...
11 College     Ongoing
Olivet College (Michigan): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 College $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Ongoing
Philip Morris USA and the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
On behalf of Philip Morris USA (PM USA) and the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund (TMSF), we are pleased to announce the PM USA Scholarship Fund. Thi...
College College     Ongoing
Plum Grants
Plum Grants

Did you recently create a sustainable community action project, program or organization? Do you need $500 to further the growth and su...
1 College   $500.00 Ongoing
Police Corps: Competitive Scholarship
The Police Corps was created to help address violent crime by increasing the number of officers with advanced education and training who are assigned ...
12 College   $15,000.00 Ongoing
Police Corps: Non-Competitive Scholarship for Children of Slain Officer
This is a noncompetitive award of up to $3750 per year of college (all applicants fulfilling requirements will receive it).

The Police Corps was cr...
12 College $3,750.00 $15,000.00 Ongoing
Robot Competitions FAQ - Updated Constantly

Number of events currently listed: 116
1 College     Ongoing
Sallie Mae Fund: 911 Education Fund
This program is open to children of those who were killed or disabled as a result of the September 11th terrorist attacks and are enrolled as full-tim...
12 College   $2,500.00 Ongoing
Society of Women Engineers: Scholarships
Scholarships are for all different programs. Go to the websites for more information....
College College $1,000.00 $5,000.00 Ongoing
STEM Academic Competitiveness Grants
New Academic Grants for STEM Majors

In its final budget reconciliation agreement (S. 1932), Congress amended the Higher Education Act to establish ...
12 College $750.00 $1,300.00 Ongoing
Stossel in the Classroom 2023-2024 Student Contests
The Stossel in the Classroom 2023-24 student essay and video contests are here - offering $25,000 in cash prizes for students & teachers! The essay an...
5 12   $2,500.00 2024-03-22
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Programs
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is pleased to open its scholarship application process to all students seeking financia...
12 College   $2,200.00 Ongoing
United States Bowling Congress: Scholarships/Honor Awards
More than $6 million dollars in scholarship money is offered each year by bowling associations, councils, and proprietors in the United States....
9 College $1,000.00 $5,000.00 Ongoing
University of Indianapolis (Indiana): Guaranteed Scholarships
These are guaranteed scholarships --- unlimited in number and require nothing else. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines...
12 12 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 Ongoing
USASA: Snowboard Association Scholarships
A total of $15,000 was given out in scholarships to 141 USASA members last year. Awards can be used for any accredited college or higher school of lea...
7 College $25.00 $1,000.00 Ongoing
Volunteer Forever

Travel Scholarship
Since 2014, Volunteer Forever has been offering travel scholarships to help partic...
12 Adult $500.00 $1,000.00 Ongoing

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