Seller: You are buying from the Homeschool Buyers Club, which has assumed responsibility for purchasing school subscriptions on members' behalf in order to get you the best possible price. The Club is the school administrator.
Payment: The Club will charge your credit card for the purchase price when you place your order.
Returns: As this is a special group purchase, you cannot back out once you place your order. However, as no trial account is available, we realize it is not possible for you to be certain that ETC Online will work for you until you start using it. As a result, we will honor cancellation requests within 30 days of your order date.
Sales Tax: Not applicable.
Other Terms & Conditions: You have verified that your computer system technical requirements for an ETC Online subscription.
Shipping: Not applicable.
Privacy Policy: Your order and this offer are subject to our Privacy Policy However, by placing this order you agree that the Club will share the following information with School Specialty for the SOLE PURPOSES of fulfilling or renewing your order, or providing technical support: name, email address. You will not receive unsolicited commercial emails as a result of placing this order through the Club.