MEL Math
MEL Math
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon

MEL Science Math Exclusive Coupon

  • Science & Technology
  • MEL Science

Get 12 months of Science for the price of 8!

For Grade(s): 2 - 8

The FUN way for your kids to learn real science! Spark a love for science in your kids with monthly hands-on kits and educational digital experiences.

Click HERE to get 12 months of science for the price of 8!

Many children struggle to connect their math classes to the real world. Are you already hearing the age-old retort: “we’ll never use this in real life”? Did you say it yourself when you were in school? MEL Math is a new product from MEL Science that can help your young kids dissolve the boundary between theory and practice, giving them practical outlets for their math studies by clearly demonstrating where math concepts are relevant to real life.


Choose a month-to-month subscription or receive an equivalent discount on an annual subscription to MEL Math.