Seller: You are buying from the Homeschool Buyers Club, which has assumed responsibility for purchasing and fulfilling this product on your behalf in order to get you the best possible price.
Payment: The Club will charge you for the combined purchase price and any other fees associated with your purchase when you place your order.
Returns: As this is a special group purchase, you cannot back out once you place your order. Please make sure that you review the information on the offer page.
Sales Tax: Not applicable.
Other Terms & Conditions: Make sure to review the System Requirements to confirm the product can work on your computer. Note while a drawing tablet is not required and you can have plenty of fun using a mouse, having a drawing tablet can increase your child's enjoyment when using Animation-ish. In order to access the lessons, you will need online access. You can find the requirements by" clicking here. Also, once you receive your unique License Key on your My Subscriptions page, please keep a record of it in a safe place should you need to re-install the software again on another computer. Because the information on your My Subscriptions page is for reference only, it will be removed in 60 days.
Shipping: Not applicable.
Privacy Policy: Your order and this offer are subject to our Privacy Policy However, by placing this order you agree that the Club will share the following information with FableVision for the SOLE PURPOSE of fulfilling your order: name, address, email address, phone number. You will not receive unsolicited commercial emails as a result of placing this order through the Club.