Unlock your student's potential with ApolloAcademy.co, an online video-based platform that transforms students into skilled stock investors. Designed with expanding career and college readiness curricula.
The founder of ApolloAcademy.co, Mr. Kapil Shah, holding a degree in Economics from the University of Manchester, felt finance and investing was a neglected part of education, yet vastly important. Parents needn't worry that learning to invest is too complex –in fact, ApolloAcademy.co finds many high school subjects contain more difficult concepts such as Physics and Chemistry.
Many great investors started learning at early ages – some as young as 13. Mr. Shah discusses this in depth during the course. The concepts students will learn have been put into practice. With its own returns available for review on a rolling basis, Apollo practices what they teach – in four years they’ve grown their capital by over 130% in a prudent way.
Kapil previously worked as an investment analyst at a London-based investment firm, Bourne Park Capital, and manages Apollo’s own successful stock portfolio.
This subscription provides access for up to four (4) licenses per household. Both parents and students can be enrolled and learn together.