MEL Science Med Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Med Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Med Exclusive Coupon
MEL Science Med Exclusive Coupon

MEL Science Med Exclusive Coupon

  • Science & Technology
  • MEL Science

Get 12 months of Science for the price of 8!

For Grade(s): 7 - 12

The FUN way for your kids to learn real science! Spark a love for science in your kids with monthly hands-on kits and educational digital experiences.

Click HERE to get 12 months of science for the price of 8!

MEL Med is a comprehensive tool that allows users to test their grasp on medicine both literally and figuratively. The kits include real medical equipment and instruments, and touch on a variety of fields including surgery, pharmacology, and lab diagnostics.


Choose a month-to-month subscription or receive an equivalent discount on an annual subscription. Receive a free starter kit with your first month that includes eight reusable tools to conduct experiments and a free virtual reality headset for your smartphone.


Available US only!