Seller: You are buying from GoHenry, NOT the Homeschool Buyers Club. The Club is not collecting payment from you when you register for this special link.
Payment: GoHenry will process your payment at their website when you complete your registration using the link published on your "My Subscriptions" page.
Returns: If you are not completely satisfied with GoHenry within the first free 30 day period, contact GoHenry directly to cancel your account and refund your remaining balance. Thereafter, you can cancel anytime by contacting GoHenry directly at (877) 372-6466 or by email: between 9am-5pm EST, seven days a week.
Sales Tax: Not applicable.
Other Terms & Conditions: The GoHenry app is compatible with Android and Apple devices. To download the GoHenry app, you'll need a mobile or tablet that has Android 2.3.3 or iOS 9.0 or later. To download the app, make sure you have at least 50mb of space and then head to Google Play, the Apple App Store or the Amazon App store.
Shipping: Not applicable.
Privacy Policy: Your order and this offer are subject to our Privacy Policy. You will not receive unsolicited emails as a result of placing this order through the Club.