Sep 7, 2022

Back to School and Creative Learning with WriteReader

Best Homeschool Curriculum · Homeschool Activities · Homeschool Creative Writing · Homeschool Language Arts
Back to School and Creative Learning with WriteReader

It's that time of year again when tiny faces full of hope and excitement greet you in the classrooms, full of energy and eager to learn! It's the perfect time to gear up for getting back to school and creative writing and learning with WriteReader. Find below some relevant topics and writing prompts for the start of a new school year.

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Summer writing

Looking back on the experiences and memories of the summer is an apparent and relevant writing activity for all students, regardless of what they did during their holidays.

Here are some inspirational writing prompt ideas:

  • Write a long list of all the things that you like about summer. How many things can you come up with?
  • Interview the people in your family and ask what their favorite summer ice cream, destination, accommodation type, or activity is and why. Write a page for each answer.
  • Imagine that you could have gone anywhere during the summer. Choose several pictures and create a story about your dream vacation.
  • Write an opinion book about whether the summer holidays should be longer, shorter or are perfect as is. Create at least three reasons to support your opinion.

The students can support their text by using the images from the below-integrated image bank or the integrated image search option, where it is possible to search between 2 million royalty-free images. Last but not least, students can use their images using WriteReader's upload option.

WriteReader - Back to School - Picture2Upcoming school year

When starting a new school year, it’s also a good idea to look forward. Therefore, we have created writing prompts and an image bank category with 12 images to inspire thoughts and expectations for the recently started school year.

Write a book about getting ready for the new school year and your first week or two back at school.

  • Write about your favorite subjects to learn at school and why you like them.
  • Show your goals and hopes for the new school year. What do you look forward to? What would you like to get better at, and how?
  • Write a shopping list of helpful school supplies and explain why they are essential and valuable.



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Scaffolding template

To guide and support the students' writing, we created a back-to-school template book available at the WriteReader template library. Please check out this guide on sharing templates with the students.

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We wish you and your students a fantastic new school year and heaps of fun with writing and reading!

Special thanks to our friends at WriteReader for sharing with us this week.

31718151_1027995604008171_8437340812064325632_n WriteReader is a literacy platform where kids can create their own digital books while learning to read and write. Works well with ELA and ELL students.

Increase curiosity, motivation and interest for the written language in a fun and engaging way using WriteReader. Children learn to read by writing their own multimedia books, enabling them to be storytellers and authors at a young age.

Get exclusive savings at the Homeschool Buyers Club for a WriteReader Family Annual Subscription that includes 1 teachers account and up to 5 students.  Click here for details.

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